Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - April 11, 2022 - Why is Beauty Important?



Is 42:1-7 Did Jesus bring justice to the nations?  Jn 12:1-11 Why is beautify important?  Letters Is there any Catholic understanding that human beings are co-creators with God?  When we die are we judged right away or when Jesus comes again?  Word of the Day: Nard Callers  I'm having trouble with my wife, she cheated on me twice, many years ago and I struggle w/hurt and pain.  I love her more than ever.  How to get over My wife is Orthodox and my son is an Orthodoxic priest.  Why do they do sign of cross they way they do, and why is it called divine liturgy with eastern Christians and the Mass here? Is there a patron saint for those going through divorce, but want the marriage to be saved?