Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - April 21, 2022 - The New Lawgiver



Lk 24:35-48 Why don't Catholics follow the totality of the Law of Moses? Letters Why does the priest break the host during the consecration?  Letter from listener who came back to the faith Can I participate Reiki?  Words of the Day:  Restoration Refreshment Callers:  My girlfriend enrolled into RCIA and I'd like to thank Fr. Simon because he had some advice.   How do I get the Ouiji out of my house? A relative wants to keep it here and it's making me sick. If there are souls in purgatory, how do we know if we have family members there? My sister said you can go to to communion, as long as you go to confession, I disagreed.  How do I answer her? Caller disagrees with Fr. Simon about Reiki