Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - April 25, 2022 - Did Mary Have Other Children?



1 Pt 5:5b-14 What does it really mean to be holy?  Mk 16:15-20 Was Mark a witness to the Garden of Gethsemane?  Letters Are LGBT persons doomed to go to hell? (A Dear Abby re-print) I'm a father of 7 children and the youngest child suffered abuse on the Internet; he's now struggling with shame.  I was going to have chicken flavored pasta on a Friday; is that ok?  Did Mary have any other children?  Word of the Day: Confirming Callers  What is the Greek equivalent for the phrase in the Bible,  'I am a Jealous God?' I visited a traditional parish that didn't celebrate Divine Mercy; is it SSPX? Does salvation come through the Catholic Church only?