Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 3, 2022 - 1st Fridays



First Reading: Acts 25:13b-21 Father talks about what it meant for Paul to be a Roman Citizen, and how Paul was able to escape torture and death on several occasions. Letters Father answers emails - Catholics can use Pain killers! Word of the Day Agape Callers Mercedes - What does it mean when you hear the words, 'farewell discourse'? Gwen - Question about 1st Fridays.  Supposed to go to nine first Fridays, but also go to confession?  Go to confession that day, or what's the requirement for that? Debra - Question of Root word of Reconciliation, and root word 'Celia’ Could you clarify? Laura -Receiving communion, but not married in the Catholic Church.  This is my situation.  Could you help me?