Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 7, 2022 - A Salty Show



1 Kgs 17:7-16 Who was Jezebel and why was she significant?  Mt 5:13-16 How does salt really lose its taste?  Letters Where were Mary, Martha, and Lazarus when Jesus was crucified?  Listener: woman should be encouraged to have children, not persuaded to have an abortion Isn't an argument for abortion, "it would be better that this person hadn't been born?" Listener gives a comment about leadership in animals I couldn't make The Walk to Mary, so I walked 13 miles to my mother's house  Father talks about the reasons for marriage I received rosaries and coins in the mail, what should I do with them?  Jim writes in about the woman who poured nard on Jesus' feet? My daughter's religion teacher said "in the quest for wisdom, off topic is on topic." One of my fellow teachers said she's dating a woman. What should I do?  Sometimes when I pray, I feel a presence--what is that?  Listener writes in about near death experiences Can I bless or consecrate the family home on my own or