Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 17, 2022 - Pillars of Fire



2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 What's the big deal with syncretism? Mt 6:19-23 Why is money an important thing?  Letters In the light of the Gospel, how will married couples relate to each other in heaven?  Listener writes in about how many days Jesus spent in the tomb 2 Tim3:7--does this apply to abortion?  Can you change godparents?   Did the Magisterium mishandle the Pentecostal movement?  Word of the Day: Pillar  Callers  My barber is Jewish and she has her shop on Saturday.  Would it would be a bad thing for me to go to her shop on Saturday? What are the Chronicles referred to in Kings? What the rules are for fasting on Fridays?  And also if somebody is on medicine? is it okay to store a relic in the tabernacle, with the Holy Eucharist? When we do confession, it starts w/ 'bless me'  However a priest said it should be 'forgive me'. What's correct?