Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 22, 2022 - Fruitful Discussion



2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3 Why does the king tear his garments?  Mt 7:15-20 What does it mean to lead the sheep?  Letters Anna writes in thanking Father for his teaching about what the Devil knows  Bible was found called "Complete Jewish Bible". Listener explains  Can you find the biblical passage, "God can not be mocked?"  I am an only child and I was raised as a Catholic and my parents converted to Islam when I was in my 20s. Now, they live with me and my children. They requested a Muslim cleric to visit their house once a week. Is that ok?  Word of the day: Fruit Callers What do you think about people perceiving God as a Monster in the Old Testament?  What does John Paul II mean by 'a new springtime'? How does the eastern European tradition of the Golem as it relates to Adam in the Old Testament?