Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - July 6, 2022 - Absolute Forgiveness



HOS 10:1-3, 7-8, 12  (1:49) Father talks about the life of St. Maria Goretti and the power of forgiveness  MT 10:1-7 What does a disciple mean?  Letters (22:01) Jim writes in about those that don't believe in God and the moral law My pastor doesn't read the Gospel or Eucharistic prayers, he reads them from memory. How much latitude does a priest have?  Listener comments on politicians who receive communion despite abortion stance Word of the Day: Forgive (33:46) Callers (35:54) - There seems to be a movement to reinterpret the scriptures. How do we interpret the Scriptures?  (39:41) - Why don't we bow at the name of Jesus?  (41:58) - Did Jesus know that Judas knew would betray him?  (44:35) - What do you think about choir substituting songs for the psalm during mass? (46:25) - Are Jesus and the Father co-equal?  (48:44) - How does a priest become a monsignor