Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - September 12, 2022 - The Power of Tears



Bible Study (2:04) 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 Father's take on the Lord's Supper in the early Church Lk 7:1-10 Why is the Centurion's humility significant? Sunday's Gospel: Father gives his take's on the Gospel yesterday Letters (26:12) How much should Catholics do about the environment? What happens after a priest retires?  Word of the Day: Wrath (41:11) Callers (43:42) - I belong to a civic org, but some of their positions are contrary to the Church. Should I continue staying or should I leave?  (46:01) - Why did Jesus choose to ascend to heaven instead of just vanishing? (48:45) - When did the disciples become apostles?