Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - October 5, 2022 - An Apocalyptic Show



Bible Study: (1:50) Gal 2:1-2, 7-14 Father gives his take an a rather disturbing passage of Scripture?  Lk 11:1-4 Which 'Our Father' did Jesus really say?  Letters: (20:50) (Can Father explain prophesying with a head cover?  Word of the day: Apocalypse (36:41) (39:18) - Lately, though my husband been going to church with me, and he's taken communion, and I know he hasn't gone to confession in a long time.  How do I deal with that? (42:33) - At mass, are we bowing to the altar or to the tabernacle (44:51) - What to do with my life, as I'm just bummed out? (47:52) - I can't give birth, does that make me less of a woman?  (50:11) - Are God's mercy and judgement one and the same?