Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - October 19, 2022 - An Extraordinary Tirade!



Bible Study: (1:58) EPH 3:2-12 Father tells a story of a pagan person who was Baptized  Letters (19:40) Can Eucharistic ministers give blessings to people during Holy Communion?  Listener asks a question about circumcision  Father gives his updates about the letters he receives about the Surrender Novena Word of the Day: Entrusted Callers (40:30) - Extraordinary ministers; I've been a minister and I just say to the person , 'May the Christ be with you.' (42:07) - Is it bad to read Dark Night of the Soul if you're depressed?  (44:33) - Could you tie 'Holy is his name' from the Magnificat and the 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' from the Our Father?