Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - October 28, 2022 - Did God Create the Devil?



Bible Study: (1:50) Eph 2:19-22 Who are the saints? Did Jesus rebuild the Temple?  Lk 6:12-16 (16:37) What does being an apostle actually mean?  Letters (24:39) - Is it common to have non-Catholic music directors?  (30:02) - Was the Catholic Church founded by Alexander the Great?  Word of the Day: Sacrifice (Korban) (34:51) Callers  (38:07) - I'm a cradle Catholic, but I wear a Star of David and a crucifix.  And is that okay? (40:01) - How can the Church become more democratic?  (43:32) - Did God create the devil?  (44:46) - My grandchildren are celebrating Day of the Dead in a Catholic school.  Is that okay? (48:55) - How could I deal with transgender ideology?