Father Simon Says

Mamma Said - December 2, 2022



Bible Study: (1:52) IS 29:17-24 How will we know when the Messiah comes?  Mass Hysteria: (10:41)  Letters (25:53) Father responds to a listener who disagrees with him (28:16) - Von Balthasar on building our house on sand (29:18) - My 17 year old wonders about various levels of heaven  (32:02) - Colonel of truth Word of the Day: Sternly (36:43) Callers  (41:36) - I am an ex-Baptist convert because I was Catechized poorly. (44:28) - Can you pray for a priest friend who is in the hospital who has Cancer? (45:37) - How did John Know Jesus would be baptizing with spirit and fire? (49:40) - How can I share the idea of suffering to a child? (54:13) - Is the little wind whisper in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit?