Father Simon Says

Read the Bible! - March 9, 2023



Bible Study: (1:34) Jer 17:5-10 Father explains the high priesthood & the importance of reading the Bible Letters (19:40) - Father discusses anger  (23:14) - Did the devil know if Jesus was God in the desert?  (27:08) - Why do people raise their arms during the Our Father?  Word of the Day: Torturous (31:02) Callers (32:55) - Newspaper article was talking about the missions in CA, said that the Catholic Church ruined the missions. I what should I say to the editor? (38:06) - When exactly is the moment of consecration? (42:31) - The Jews always refer to the tribe they come from, does that still happen today? (47:51) - Journey to the Sun by Gregory Orfalea about Junipero Serra, recommend by Patrick Madrid