Father Simon Says

What Will I Look Like in Heaven? - April 14, 2023



Bible Study: (1:52) Acts 4:1-12 Peter understands the prophecy from Psalm 188 Jn 21:1-14 Jesus' fraternal care for John  Letters (23:11) - Father discussing the meaning of Ex 4:23 & Moses' circumcision  (27:30) - Triduum Question  (30:14) - Listener laughed at a FSS promo (31:12) - Can I take notes during the homily?  (32:04) - Listener is upset that Fr. Simon used the term 'woke'  Word of the Day: Touch (36:48) Callers  (39:13) - How would you look in a resurrected body or how would you look when you get to heaven, are you young again? (42:18) - Commentary about what you saw at the Holy Sepulchre and at the very base is 'Adam's Skull'  What do you think? (44:36) - About the synoptic Gospels, did they get the writings from the people who where there? (48:05) - Why does the Catholic Church use the term Easter instead of Resurrection Sunday?