Father Simon Says

Ancient Cosmetics - May 3, 2023



Bible Study: (2:02) 1 Cor 15:1-8 Who were the 12 Apostles?  When did St. Paul begin his ministry?  Jn 14:6-14 What does it mean that "no one comes to the Father except through me?" Letters (23:56) - What was cosmetic treatment during Ester's time? {great promo] (28:41) - I'm an adult acolyte, one of the young servers says the priests prayers; is that OK?   (30:08) - Leaving religious statements on restaurant bills  (33:01) - Elijah isn't mentioned in the Torah, how did the Sadducees view him during the time of Christ?  Word of the Day: Reed (36:15) Callers  (39:38) - About the four horseman of the apocalypse and did one of the horseman's name change?  Was Pestilence changed to conquering? (45:34) - I'm looking for guidance as my son plays baseball, we pray for his protection, however, even though we pray, a player got badly hurt in the face.  Could you guide me? (49:02) - Why has Just War the Doctrine, become minimized?