Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - Eucharist - June 06, 2023



(1:55) Bible Study: Mk 12:13-17 Father explains the difference between Sadducees and Pharisees (22:16) Letters: Father explains the ingredients needed for the Eucharist, shares a story on how someone found Relevant Radio, explains the morality of jumping out of a plane, explains the occult, talks about the communion of saints and explains an interesting text from Proverbs. (39:57) Word of the Day: Eucharist (42:22) Phones: Bernadine - About the parable of the fig tree, what does it mean? Anne - Wedding feast at Cana and Jesus said 'it isn't my time.'  Could you explain?    Was it foretold in Old Testament? Rob - Question about the Old Testament and its violence. Wayne - Readings at mass today and about evil shepherds and about what the church is supposed to do with evil shepherds and how to protect ourselves?