Father Simon Says

Casting Your Nets - August 3, 2023



Bible Study: (2:11) Ex 40:16-21, 34-38 Why did the priests wear the bells? Mt 13:47-53 Why is there bad in the Church?  Letters (21:12) - I took Father's advice regarding Gossip  (24:21) - My Father just passed away. (25:38) - Adam and Eve - why aren't we all the same color?  (29:28) - I disagree with Father about sin  Word of the Day: Net (34:26) Callers  (36:39) - About the end of the Gospel where Jesus is talking about the scribes, on today's Gospel reading? (38:15) - My nephew, he just had a small church wedding, so that he could have just his marriage blessed. Now they want to do a beach wedding.  (42:48) - What happens to children born from IIVF and surrogacy? (48:02) - Father, can you help me understand grace and mass intentions?