Father Simon Says

Speaking Face to Face - August 17, 2023



Bible Study: (:52.300) Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17 Why shouldn't the Israelites get too close to the arc?  Letters (13:56) - Kelly, who is of a different faith, loves Father's show! (14:34) - What does it mean, 'we sang a dirge but you didn't not mourn?' (17:35) - Holy Days by country  (18:57) - Do parishes have to offer extra masses on holy days?  Word of the Day: to sin  (27:49) Callers  (39:37) - Clarification, in the OT Moses and God were speaking in the tent and speaking face to face?  (44:45) - Any indication of when Jesus baptized the Apostles? (47:38) - We're in this Eucharistic Revival, but priests haven't raised the Eucharist and Chalice as high at consecration. Why?