Father Simon Says

Greatest Privilege of Life - August 25, 2023



Bible Study: (1:53) Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22 Father discusses the majority of the book of Ruth Mt 22:34-40 Father discusses marriage as the great privilege of this life.  Letters (19:41) - How does one become a full saint?  (27:40) - Last shall be first and the first shall be last; what does it mean? (32:19) - Can someone receive the Sacrament of Confirmation twice?  (34:02) - Father discusses the state of the diocesan priesthood Word of the Day: Mother-in-Law (43:07) Callers  (45:00) - Why did they change the words in the consecration from 'will be shed for all' to 'will be shed for many' (46:23) - What was the place you mentioned that Saint Joseph may have worked on? (47:37) - Why is the Ascension of Jesus not a holy day of obligation anymore? (hello) (49:21) - What should I do about a priest who is arrogant?