Father Simon Says

Purgatorial Algebra - November 16, 2023



Bible Study: (1:57) Wis 7:22b–8:1 What is wisdom?  Lk 17:20-25 God’s royal nature is manifested in suffering Letters (21:56) - Mulberry Tree & Jesus Said (25:57) - My child wonders if her algebra gets her out of purgatory (26:55) - Why doesn't God confront the evildoers of today?  Word of the Day: Sky (34:06) Callers:  (36:55) - Physics & Faith (39:03) - Why is Wisdom given the feminine gender in the readings? (42:14) - On the Shroud, parallel between Jesus' resurrection and the transfiguration? (44:18) - I'm a non-denominational and what's the difference between someone who follows the Bible and Catholics and why so many religions?