Father Simon Says

A Tale of Two Johns - January 3, 2024



1 JN 2:29–3:6 & Jn 1:29-34 Father explains the Temple, John the Evangelist & John the Baptist Letters: (20:46) - the Holy Spirit devotion  Word of the Day: Devil  Callers: (25:26) - At Mass for Christmas Eve and the Priest 'sang oh come let us adore him' during the consecration. Did that make the Eucharist invalid? (27:05) - Our pastor doesn't want us to bow at the tabernacle but at the altar. Is that okay? (29:12) - Is sending kids to catholic school considered tithing? (30:48) - When did the Holy Family flee to Egypt & when did they get back to Jerusalem? (32:50) - Could you talk about the people who returned to Nazareth from Babylon? (36:13) - Thank you Father for all you explanations! *note: we lost audio with Fr. during the letter segment