Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Winter Is Coming Are You Ready? - EP 937



Today we talk about things you can do now to get ready for winter, as well as the latest news from the Prepper Pantry, a weekly shopping report, frugality tip and Operation Independence update. Featured Event: August 17 Rabbit Processing, Preserving and Potluck Sponsor 1: Sponsor 2:, Coupon Code LFTN Livestream Schedule Tomorrow 12:30PM Live with Backwoods Butcher Friday 9:30AM Homestead Happenings Tales from the Prepper Pantry Canning Goals: 10 jars tomato sauce, 39 Jars Green Beans (More in process) Sick Food The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Herbal Remedy Collection: Elderberries, Goldenrod, Passion Flower, Mint, Mullein Deep Freezer Audit Designing the Mud Room and Food Prep Area Weekly Shopping Report Home Depot this weekend, the online price of a 2x4x8 has gone up, to $3.65. Aldi. We found everything we wanted. Staple prices were: bread (20 oz. white): $1.35; eggs: $2.25; whole milk: $2.89 (+); heavy cream: $5.39; OJ: $3.45; butter: $3.79; bacon: $3.99; potatoes: $4.49