Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Unlocking the Power of Self Belief with Katharine Campbell Hirst



Have you ever truly noticed what it feels like to be completely at home in your own skin—confident in your decisions, surrounded by people who uplift you, and traveling to places that feel like home? These moments are your body’s way of telling you that you’re on the right path. This inner knowing resides within each of us, yet we often ignore or silence it. Today, my guest and I delve into why this happens and how to reclaim your power.    Katharine Campbell Hirst’s eclectic journey spans six countries and diverse careers, including strategy consulting at Accenture, speechwriting for Tory Burch, and co-creating a spy museum. Now, as a coach, Katharine is passionate about what’s possible when women bring their fullest selves to their work and lives. She firmly believes that we can heal capitalism by empowering women who use business as a tool to enhance our shared humanity.    In our enlightening conversation, Katharine and I explore:     - The reasons women hustle and grind to the point of b