Chats With Susan Burrell

Time to Tune Up & Tune In



Ep. #285 - Time to Tune Up & Tune In - A Solo Show with Susan Burrell Tenacity is the theme for the month of August. There are many words to define what tenacity means. Including, courage, persistence, determination, grit and so many more. In this solo episode I explore what tenacity means for me personally and globally for all of us. I believe we are all being called to experience and feel Tenacity on a deep, deep level. The month of August promises to be energetically raucous as we enter into a new moon cycle. August will also host Mercury in Retrograde for most of the month. And we are also in the Lion’s Gate Portal which is a very powerful time of vibrational alignment. I believe we are all aligning to a higher frequency of Love. It is time for us to listen deeply to each other, to our inner authority and to tune up and tune in to all that is occurring within our own hearts. Our brilliance, our light and our love, is lifting all of humanity to a higher frequency. It is time to listen to the wisdom of