

The body is a sacred instrument. It is powerful, it is full of possibility, it is beautiful. And yet most of the time we live disconnected, disembodied from this sacredness. This miracle of existence that has come from the stars, which pulses with life, is so often overlooked, undervalued, disparaged, criticized, even blamed for some of our so-called baser behaviors. Lean into your body and listen for the ancient secrets that live in your cells and in your soul. Walt Whitman once wrote, “If anything is sacred the human body is sacred.” And perhaps my favorite line by Mary Oliver reads, “You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” What you seek is seeking you. Let it come through you. Love the world with your body. Be present for creation, not just with your mind and your heart, but with your temple. You are beautiful, you are full of possibility, and most importantly you are sacred.