Meditations By Ian White Maher: Praise | Gratitude | Joy | Transformation

We are called to tell the people



Where is the intentionality to be in deep relationship with the Beloved, with the Divine, with the Holy? It is not just enough to walk away from the structures that don’t feed us; the kings and the creeds and the castes. There must also be an intentional picking up of something, of a sacred life, a community of sacred livers and lovers because the world is not going to heal itself with secular culture either. There are no words or policies or laws to lead us into transformation. Transformation is a spiritual act. It is a counter-cultural act of resistance that demands we take a stand for the living, for life, for the sacred, for the Beloved, for God. We are being called into a time of spiritual renovation. People are starving for a new way of being. We are not called to cause the spiritual renovation. We are called to participate in it. We become it as others become it.