Columbus Baptist Church's Podcast

49 Acts 14:21-28 The Home Run After Derbe



Title: The Home Run After Derbe Text: Acts 14:21-28 FCF: We often struggle growing while waiting for glory. Prop: Because God assures all those with saving faith will grow in their faith, we must disciple one another. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 14. In a moment we’ll begin reading starting at verse 21 from the Legacy Standard Bible. You can follow along in the pew bible or in whatever version you prefer. Today we will close out the first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas. As we do we will officially pass the half way point of the book of Acts by verse count. Paul and Barnabas’s missionary journey to Cyprus, Pamphylia, and Southern Galatia has been full of ups and downs. Successes and perceived failures. Many have come to Christ, many have opposed Christ. We’ve seen the polarizing effect of the gospel, the natural wickedness of men, and the power of God to overcome it. And we’ve seen faithful men enduring great peril all for the sake of the Kingdom of God.