Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Nuts Help Weight Loss



Nuts may help you lose weight  Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C8p58YXJZAk/ When you diet to take off those pounds, you want you food plan to work as effectively as possible.  When you deprive yourself of those foods you love, you want to do so for as short a period of time as necessary.  Enter Australian nutritionists who find that nuts do both.  Their meta-analysis of 7 on-point studies reveals adding nuts to diets with calorie restrictions led to increased weight loss in 4 of the 7 studies.  What’s the nut magic? Nuts contain fatty acids that burn other fats faster, slow stomach emptying so you feel full, and lower blood sugar levels.  The nuts that worked were peanuts, almonds, walnuts, and pistachios.  https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nutrition-research-reviews/article/effects-of-energyrestricted-diets-with-or-without-nuts-on-weight-body-composition-and-glycaemic-control-in-adults-a-scoping-review/AC91A4A51BCB1EC6A710471F68469489 #nuts #dieting