Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

What Are Stomach Butterflies?



•The butterflies in your stomach can dissolve food Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C8p6v9qRXVP/ Study after study now show that there is a strong connection between your gut and your brain.  The latest evidence support that link come from psychologists  at Rome’s Sapienza University.  The researchers trigger strong emotions in their 30 subjects by showing them videos that triggered disgust, fear, and sadness and control clips that created happiness.  After viewing the negative short flicks, the subjects experienced surges in their stomach acids.  The more disturbing the videos, the greater the acid production and the lower the pH.   The bottom line:  when you feel those stomach butterflies or even frank acid indigestion, its probably time to watch less disturbing scenes snd pop some Tums in your mouth. https://elifesciences.org/articles/85567 #anxiety #acid #indigestion #horror