Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Walking Helps Back Pain



•Low back pain?  Better get on the hoof Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C8p7kl3Oupw/ So your lower back is killing you.  Eighty percent of Americans not only feel your pain but also have it.  Australian physical medicine researchers suggest that a regular walking program could help you.  In a randomized trial, they tested about 700 subjects with documented, significant back pain.  The treatment group received a supervised walking and education program over 6 months while the controls did not.  The data showed that the walkers remained free of recurrent back pain for twice as long as the controls and were 28% less likely to experience any further back pain.  So… don’t just whine and moan, “MY ACHING BACK!”  Get up and walk regularly. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(24)00755-4/fulltext #backpain #walking