Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Labwork From Sweat



•Instead of a blood stick use your sweat Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C8qsViRRAge/ If you sweat having to go to the lab for a blood draw, that sweat may come in handy.  Bioengineers at the Washington State University have successfully 3D printed a flexible patch with multiple micro channels that facilitate unique single-atom catalyst-based colorimetric bioassays for up to 3 biomarkers found in both blood and sweat such as glucose, lactate, and uric acid.  The color changes that occur as levels of these molecules vary are amplified to deliver accurate blood levels of them.  Glucose measurements are critical for diabetics, uric acid levels help monitor gout as well as kidney and heart issues, while lactate levels quantitate intensity of aerobic exercise. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssensors.4c00528# #sweat #glucose #uricacid #lactate #diabetes #gout #exercise