Ring Of Fire Radio With Sam Seder, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And Mike Papantonio

Episode 749: Trump Lap Dog's Over Inflate Popularity; MTG Fooled Again; Bannon Names Possible Trump Enemy List



This week on Ring of Fire! Kellyanne Conway has returned to her previous role as the chief lie-teller for Donald Trump. Over the weekend, Conway appeared on Fox News to falsely claim that Trump spoke to about 8,000 people at a predominantly black church in Detroit, even though photos showed roughly 200, mostly-white people attending his speech. In spite of the photographic evidence to the contrary, Conway continued to push the lie to make Trump feel good, just like she used to do. Marjorie Taylor Greene is so desperate for Donald Trump to be granted immunity by the Supreme Court that she'll believe anything - including that a video from two years ago was somehow taken just hours ago. Greene fell for a deceptive video on social media that was originally posted by a Turning Points contributor that has a history of plagiarism accusations, with Greene claiming that the video was proof that SCOTUS was about to give Trump immunity. On Saturday, the soon-to-be incarcerated Steve Bannon rattled off the top names on D