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Best Process to Create Blog Posts that Convert Customers | Ep. #36



In Episode #36 Eric and Neil talk about why you should create blog posts, and what the best process is to do it. Learn the tricks of the pros, and find out what resources are available to you to make your blog writing not only entertaining or educational but actually capable of converting customers. Time Stamped Show Notes:  00:24 – How to write amazing blog posts 00:35 – Educate and provide great information, and people will see you as an expert. 00:55 – People will share you and refer friends to you. 01:15 – The number one way they generate sign-ups for multiple companies. 01:20 – Thomas Tunguz’s Post 01:55 – The effects of content marketing over time 02:05 – It’s like compounding interest. 02:34 – You need one thing that stands out. 02:45 – Long-form blog posts backed by data. 03:04 – Not just content for content’s sake. 03:15 – Show something unique and useful. 03:29 – eHow is a great example of what you shouldn’t do. 04:12 – 04:25 – Humor and long-form articles with