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How to Decide if You Need Separate Brands for Your Business | Ep. #57



In Episode #57 Neil and Eric talk brands, specifically, how many you should have if you want to be successful in your efforts. Listen as they explain why brand diversification is not only unnecessary in most cases, but how it can actually damage your business. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – Today’s topic: How to Decide if You Need Separate Brands for Your Business 00:35 – If you’re creating different products and they’re not related at all, obviously you need different brands 00:45 – Having said that, you put SO much into building a site and brand, why not bring everything under one umbrella? 01:28 – Talking about QuickSprout 02:12 – The brand split wasn’t intentional 02:35 – Crazy Egg was such a different concept, it couldn’t merge with QuickSprout 03:10 – Most people create too many businesses 03:39 – Focus on your CORE business until it flat-lines 03:55 – Talking about Growth Everywhere versus Single Grain 05:05 – Just look at all the effort Neil had to put in to build 05: