Marketing School | Digital Marketing | Online Marketing

The 7 Deadly Marketing Sins | Ep. #78



In Episode #78 Neil and Eric talk about the 7 deadly sins of marketing. Listen to find out which of these sins you’re committing, and learn how to avoid making them in the future.  Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:28 – Today’s topic: 7 Deadly Marketing Sins 00:34 – Sin #1 – Buying paid links 01:19 – What happens when you get caught buying links 01:55 – Sin #2 – Not optimizing your ads 02:37 – Sin #3 – AB testing incorrectly 03:34 – Sin #4 – Not playing the long game on content 04:43 – Sin #5 – Basing decisions purely from AB tests 05:50 – You don’t want to have brand confusion 05:56 – Sin #6 – Being schizophrenic with your tests 06:20 – You have to be willing to stomach the pain 06:40 – SEO takes time! 06:55 – Sin #7 – Starting to do any type of marketing without proper tracking 07:20 – No tracking means wasted marketing dollars 07:27 – That’s it for today’s episode! 3 Key Points: There is no shortcut to marketing. Everything takes time! The longer the content, the better it ranks.