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7 Questions to Ask Potential Marketing Clients | Ep. #90



In Episode #90 Neil and Eric list the 7 questions you need to ask potential marketing clients. Pay close attention as these are the exact questions Neil and Eric use to develop successful marketing relationships that always deliver on project goals. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:28 – Today’s topic: 7 Questions to Ask Potential Marketing Clients 00:52 – #1 Ask if other people are involved in decision making 01:30 – #2 Ask what the overall goals and objectives are 02:36 – #3 Ask how good their marketing strategy is 03:43 – #4 Ask how much their budget is 05:47 – #5 Ask who their competitors are 06:00 – Use Moz to show clients how they are doing against their competitors 06:41 – #6 Ask what marketing tactics worked for them and which ones did not 06:59 – Tactics that work for your competition doesn’t mean they automatically applies to your business 07:49 – The key to a successful agency is happy clients 08:27 – #7 Continue the sales process – schedule the next meeting 09:03 – Use Mixmax to send