Cities And Memory

The famous never rest whilst we stare at their graves



"Cimetière Père LaChaise is the world’s most visited cemetery. Over 3.5 million visitors a year come to see the graves of artists, musicians, dancers, scientists and politicians. This mecca for the deceased made me think about what it must be like for the spirits of the cemeteries famous inhabitants. Their fame during life has followed them into death, never escaping the public fascination and invading their privacy for eternity.  "With this whimsical thought I created The Famous Never Rest Whilst We Stare At The Graves. I used the original field recording of crowds walking and chatting at the graveyard and mixed this with a track (also made from the field recording) of the resident spirits gently moaning.  "The sounds of the crowd slowly grow, drowning out the spirits until eventually BOOM the gates are shut, the day is over and the ghosts are free! Their tone changes, they sing and eventually dance and celebrate as a jazz tinged track fills the air." Pere Lachaise cemetery reimagined by Mat Ward.