Cities And Memory




"The original field recording captured the sounds of boats, water, and people conversing, creating a very visual experience. I found it serene and decided to compose a piece that complements the immersive nature of the field recording. Despite the multitude of sounds in the recording, there is a sense of control and tranquility. It contains the gentle sound of water lapping against the bank, harmonious boat horns, human voices, and the futuristic whoosh of boat engines.  "I aimed to create a musical piece that resonates with this energy, resulting in a delicate and gradually evolving track that conveys both relaxation and excitement. This entire composition was made on a virtual modular synthesizer, which helped me explore new and interesting musical possibilities. In a sense, all elements play simultaneously, while I simply manipulate volume levels to introduce and fade out elements, mirroring the dynamics of the original field recording." Riva di Biasio, Venice reimagined by Zubin Aroz (Arozian).