Rich Zeoli

Should Zuckerberg Be Held Responsible for Everything on Facebook & Instagram?



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: Robby Soave of Reason writes: “There is no pastime more beloved by Congress than beating up on social media executives. On Wednesday, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee engaged in yet another round of fact-free histrionics as they thunderously denounced four tech CEOs—Meta's Mark Zuckerberg, X's Linda Yaccarino, Snapchat's Evan Spiegel, and Discord's Jason Citron—for­ a litany of allegedly unsafe business practices… Many of the Senate's anti-tech crusaders were present, including Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham (SC), Ted Cruz (TX), and Josh Hawley (MO), and Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin (IL), Amy Klobuchar (MN), and Richard Blumenthal (CT). Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA) wasn't there, though she received several favorable shout-outs from the Republicans. Indeed, both sides of the political aisle were exceedingly pleased with themselves for acting in bipartisan fashion to wildly accuse four business leaders of complicity in despicable crimes against children… In order to obtain