Rich Zeoli

Several Migrants Assault Cops in New York, Reportedly Flee to California



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: Joe Marino, Georgett Roberts, and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon of The New York Post report: “Four of the migrants cut loose without bail after allegedly ganging up on two NYPD cops near Times Square may be on the run, The Post has learned. Cops believe the group could have hopped on a bus bound for California on Wednesday after giving phony names to a church-affiliated nonprofit group that helps migrants get rides out of the city, according to law enforcement sources. The four accused cop-attackers believed to have skipped town were charged with assault on a police officer and obstruction immediately after the shocking, caught-on-video attack Saturday in Midtown. Darwin Andres Gomez, 19, Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19, Wilson Juarez, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24, were released without monetary bail by a Manhattan judge.” You can read the full report here: ABC News has retracted its