Rich Zeoli

U.S. Launches Retaliatory Strikes Against Iranian-Proxies



The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (02/02/2024): 3:05pm- Ella Lee and Zach Schonfeld writes: “Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Fani Willis (D) acknowledged developing a ‘personal relationship’ with the top prosecutor in former President Trump’s Georgia criminal case in a new court filing Friday, but she said it was no reason for her to step aside. Trump co-defendant Michael Roman last month first accused Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade of having romantic ties, claiming it rendered the far-reaching Georgia election interference indictment ‘fatally defective.’” Earlier this week, Willis insisted that she would not step down from the 34-count election crimes case, against Donald Trump despite the obvious conflict of interest and ethics violations. Willis’ office has paid Wade an estimated $650,000. She is also alleged to have gone on numerous, extravagant vacations with Wade. You can read the full report here: