Rich Zeoli

Dr. Wilfred Reilly: Intersectionality is a Badly Done Version of Regression Analysis



Dr. Wilfred Reilly—Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University & Author of “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me”—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss his latest piece at National Review, “The Intersectionality Canard.” Dr. Reilly writes: “’Intersectionality’ is just a badly done ‘woke’ version of regression analysis…The idea that multiple independent variables can influence a dependent variable like income is not exactly a new one. And, the actual range of potential ‘IVs’ that can do so extends well beyond race and sex to include: age, the regions where people and groups live, test and IQ scores, patterns of study time, crime rates, desire to work at all (in the context of men vs. women), and so on down the line.” You can find the full editorial here: And you can pre-order Dr. Reilly’s upcoming book here: