Rich Zeoli

Border Bill Details Emerge. Will House Even Consider It?



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: In a video posted to his X social media page, Governor Phil Murphy (D-NJ) advocated for allowing 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in school board elections in New Jersey. Gov. Murphy explained: “Young voters are the future of American democracy” and that by lowering the voting age, the state will be “inspiring our young neighbors to become lifelong voters.” On Sunday, leadership in the U.S. Senate released the details of a bipartisan bill designed to reduce illegal border crossings, send $60 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, and $14.1 billion in aid to Israel. The 370-page bill mandates a border shutdown if more than 5,000 migrants unlawfully enter the U.S. in a single day. However, the shutdown cannot exceed 270 days in the bill’s first year, 225 in the second year, and 180 days in the third year. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has said the proposed “Senate border bill will not receive a vote in the House.” Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has echoed a similar sentimen