Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

MIND BLOWING! The Solar INFLUENCE on Psychic Awareness and Your Otherworldly Encounters | Susan Manewich



⭐️ ONE TIME OFFER: Get a psychic reading about your OTHERWORLDLY ENCOUNTERS with Psychic Source and use code “ALEXIS” for 30 minutes + 5 extra minutes for just $20! https://bit.ly/4ats0n2 #paranormalactivity #solarflares #consciousness ___________________________- Contactee and consciousness researcher Susan Manewich explains how and why intense solar activity can and does affect our connection to the invisible world. Whether we are seeking spiritual guidance or practicing our own psychic abilities during this time, the solar influence is powerful for all things MAGICAL! Visit Susan's website: http://www.ietevolve.com Read the Blog Post: Revealing the Hidden: Unraveling the Mysteries of Otherworldly Encounters Through Psychic Readings: ▷ https://bit.ly/4b3oXlw ▷ Watch the after show where we go deeper into recent solar flares, CME's and the Schumann Resonance...what's happening now??: http://www.patreon.com/higherjourneys Referenced: READ: Hello From Heaven by Bill Guggenheim and Judy Guggenheim: https