Columbus Baptist Church's Podcast

44 Acts 13:13-26 Perfect Record



Title: Perfect Record Text: Acts 13:13-26 FCF: We often struggle paying attention to the glorious message of our faithful God’s salvation of His people. Prop: Because God has always provided for and protected His people and most perfectly in the gospel, we must believe Him. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 13. In a moment we will read from the Legacy Standard Bible starting in verse 13. You can follow along in the version you prefer. Last week we saw how the Lord actively expanded His church by sending Barnabas and Saul west to take the gospel to new people and places. Saul, also known as Paul, has a confrontation with a sorcerer and blinds him. As a result of this sign miracle, the proconsul of the Roman province becomes a Christian. But this is only the first leg of their missionary journey. Now Saul, Barnabas, and John Mark head North, crossing the Mediterranean sea to what was then Southern Galatia. It is here that Paul will preach his first recorded sermon