Ring Of Fire Radio With Sam Seder, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And Mike Papantonio

Episode 748: Experts Weigh in on Judge Cannon; Trump's Potential VP; Alito Drama



This week on Ring of Fire! Judge Aileen Cannon has officially been on the documents case for a year, and legal experts are saying that they are shocked she still has a job. These experts have been so repulsed by the behavior of Judge Cannon that they now believe she's no longer fit to serve on the bench at all. And the rulings she issued last week are no exception. Last week, Donald Trump's shortlist of potential running mates was made public, as the potential picks were sent vetting information by Trump's campaign. And the list is nothing short of horrifying. All of the people are considered hard right extremists, with some masquerading as "normal." But don't be fooled - these people are ready to strip away your rights at the first opportunity. The neighbor that allegedly had some problems with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's wife spoke out publicly about their altercations last week, and suggested that the Alito family is "outright lying" about what happened. One of the big issues w