Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 3: Mindset of Managing Your Business And Doing 50+ Deals A Year w/ Daniel DiGiacomo



Daniel started wholesaling houses and became one of the most successful flippers by closing more than . He’s built a very successful wholesaling company in Baltimore Maryland. In 2015 they closed 117 deals and through the first quarter of 2016, they’ve closed 40 deals. To generate deals, he uses a marketing mix of around 50% from direct mail, 40% from the web and 10% from text message marketing. That is one of the main conversations in this CarrotCast podcast. Daniel discusses how he utilizes text message marketing and what potential pitfalls to avoid. Also, for business owners, there can be a “trust” mental block when allowing employees have the freedom to do their jobs. Daniel dives into how he struggled with trust and how he has been able to change his mindset when he hires and delegates employees. Click play and enjoy :-) Watch the full CarrotCast episode with Daniel at ***Join us live, Thursdays at 11 AM Pacific for the Evergreen Marketing Live Q&A: