Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 47: Flipping Vacant Land: How Gary Horton Pivoted His Wholesaling Business In A Tough Market To Be On Track To Flip 100 Pieces Of Bare Land In 2017



While most of the real estate market is flooding into flipping houses or wholesaling houses… savvy investors are looking at the gaps in the market where there is an outsized opportunity vs. competition level. When Carrot client Gary Horton hit a wall wholesaling real estate in San Diego he tested out flipping bare land… and hasn’t looked back since. Now Gary buys and sells land all over the West Coast, from his house (or office), does 8-9 flips per month, and barely has any competition. In this In this episode, Gary lays out his entire business model from start to finish. His marketing, how he targets sellers, how he sells his properties, his margins, how he does online marketing to drive consistent land deals… EVERYTHING. Dive in and listen to Gary’s story and get inspired to go down the path less traveled. Listen to our other episodes at ***Join us live, Thursdays at 11 AM Pacific for the Evergreen Marketing Live Q&A:***Need to