Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 53: 3 Days At The Top REI Mastermind in The Country: A Key Take Away



Real estate is one of the least trusted industries-- why is that? Now ask yourself... "How many of your last deals would you feel like following up with and taking to dinner or grabbing a drink, those clients?" If you're like most wholesalers and flippers, your business is about the numbers. Investors treat it as a one-and-done too often. Most don't believe they can be tight with the client after the deal has closed. I'm returning from one of, if not, the Nation's top Mastermind events for real estate wholesalers and flippers called Collective Genius. These guys are big time. 500-600 flips per year and some with over 4000 multi-family units. What's one of the main differences between the one-and-done investor and one that flips 500 properties per year? The willingness to build and continue a relationship- after the transaction. What can you do to change the churn and burn mindset of your clients? Find out. On this episode of the CarrotCast, Trevor dives into what he learned at the Collective Genius